Our Partners

Empower And Help is a Non-Profit Organization that empowers teens to become global citizens and leaders of tomorrow by providing opportunities to encourage social growth and alliances across geographical borders.

Empower And Help works with youth locally and globally. Empower And Help Programs are a prime example of youth empowering youth. Additionally, all-year-round youth can lead and raise awareness about different pressing global issues through Teen Ventures magazine, service, volunteerism, and workshops. Children age ten and up are building the “soft skills” needed to be future leaders through workshops that provide a positive mindset, emotional awareness, and value-based education. Our middle and high school students are positively impacted through mentorship programs, tutoring, raising funds for local organizations, holding community drives, and other creative service projects, creating a positive social ripple effect.

Strategic Focus Areas: 

  • Communication: Enhancing communication skills through project-related experience.
  • Integrity: Through interactive workshops, classes, and programs, develop self-motivated teens with high empathetic values who can take responsibility for their feelings and actions.
  • Compassion: Support teens by showing them their strengths to volunteer, raise their voices for the causes they are passionate about, and provide a platform to express and explore.
  • Teamwork: Providing opportunities to work together on group projects with goals of listening, expressing, clarifying, initiating, participating, encouraging, and mutual respect.
  • Service: Involving teens in volunteering opportunities through collaboration with local and international organizations and community service projects.


  • Provide teen empowerment programs and workshops focusing on value-based education, leadership skills, and a positive mindset with integrity, compassion, and emotional awareness.
  • Provide a safe space and online platform for teens to collaborate, express, experiment, execute, and lead using technology through a process-oriented approach. This will enhance their entrepreneurship and creative skills.
  • Provide teens with volunteering and service opportunities that positively impact communities locally and globally while raising awareness about different pressing global issues.
  • Encourage the teens to get involved in community service programs, such as mentorship programs, community drives, fundraisers for local and global causes, and other creative service projects, to create a positive social ripple effect.
  • Empower teens irrespective of geographical borders with a Mentorship program, Tutoring help, and technological resources
